Wednesday, 30 November 2011

December 2011

I like stationary. Christmas presents. birthday's I love getting new pens, journals, diaries etc and I love most of all coloured pens to highlight words, quotes and scriptures.

December is a month to give thanks for Jesus and also things he has accomplished in your life this past year.

Highlights for me for 2011 would be:

Family: Hannah's graduation, John now back home, Katie's Sydney FP and Joe's baptism. Heather and I will approach 30 years marriage in July 2012 and ask where did the years go and how good is God's grace

Citygate: Our biggest ever growth year
with John and Sue Hosier joining us and
a new building emerging from the rattle of
the B&Q site. What a truly amazing church


Apostolic: Hands laid on me at TOAM leading into our best yet Westpoint with Terry and Jeremy and an outstanding offering. Our day away as Elders and wives was the cream on a tasty cake of 2011 as we prayed, laughed and resopnded to God together

India: Two visits to our dear friends and so encouraged
by their zeal in God, planting churches   and raising many,
 many more leaders. Delhi - reaching over 1000 people
and the first fruits of Foundations for Farming being excellent

Iberia: Our first ever Iberian Peninsula conference broke new ground as we honoured God for the past and painted a picture of a preferable future. Porto church plant saw its first convert and Kevin and Ness press forward in our church plant in Madrid

As I write my coloured pen is running out of ink and I'm brought to tears of thankfulness for these and hundreds more highlights.

2012 knocks its excited hand on all our doors and together we pray

'Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done as perfectly on earth as it is in heaven'

December diary dates

December 4th am - Preaching at Life Church Hook

                       pm - Students Christmas celebration - 'All coloured in'

December 7th - 8th  - meeting with UK team

December 15th - SW Apostolic team update meeting

December 18th - Preaching at Citygate - Traditional Carol service

December 25th - Christmas day service

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

November 2011

People always ask me to say how it went in India and what it is like. It is a country of opposites, of beauty and of misery, of joy and heartache. maybe a poem may help give shape to my feelings


        Oh India, bright coloured places
        Saris, gold bracelets, smiling faces
        Butterfly wings, dazzling hues
        Ant like industry, miracle moves
        Slow trains, fast planes, heavy bags
        Hurry, curry, stomach sags
        Bangs, whistles, Divali eruption
        Bribes, jibes,
        Market corruption                                
        Hollywood, Bollywood, T20 six
        Tipples, cripples, beggars mix
        Tawdy, gawdy plastic idols
        Charms, harms demonic bridles
        Glorious sunsets, blackest night

                Oh India you're in my prayer today and I believe
                A page is turned, post is burned
                What glory, a story of lost returned
                Once dead, God's will is read and now alive
                Millions helpless for those we strive
                God's power for this hour - Oh church awake
                And welcome India's king - his bride to take

November diary dates:

5th - 6th November weekend with City Church - Bristol

13th -  Speaking at Citygate Church - Romans 11

17th -  Newfrontiers Training summit

18th -20th South & West Regional Leaders weekend - Taunton

27th Speaking at Citygate Church - Romans 12

Friday, 7 October 2011

October 2011

Footprints in the sand

As a young boy I remember with a sense of awe Daniel Defoe's Treasure island and later as a young christian Mary Stevenson's Footprints in the sand.

The former was a shock to realise that Robinson Crusoe was not alone on the island, someone else was experiencing the same challenges and heartaches as he was - two sets of footprints!

The latter was the encouragement that at times when there is only one set of footprints on the path of our lives that these are the times when the Lord carried us - times when were in need.

As a leader of Citygate Church I can honestly thank God that others are with me as we pursue an unmarked path of growth, new buildings and the developing apostolic base. As Heather and I plan Together on a Mission abroad I am glad to see others alongside me reminding me that I have friends to carry the weight of the challenges ahead. It is particularly great that Mike and Jessica Shore from Portugal are joining me for this trip.

Days come when the inrushing tides of business sweep away all other sets of footprints bar one and they are large and purposeful and if I bend close enough I can trace the nail imprints of love.

I feel such gratitude to dear friends around me in this apostolic release season and find myself, in deeper gratitude still, drawn ever closer to the good shepherd who guides me in paths of righteousness

Diary dates:

  • October 9th - Preaching at Citygate Church - Romans 9
  • 11th - 12th October - Prayer and fasting
  • 14th-16th October - Weekend away with UK Apostles and wives
  • 20th - 28th October -  Together on a mission

 Saturday 22nd October - Citygate Church is hosting

Front Edge is so much more than a conference. Its a weekend where there will be an opportunity for thousands to hear the gospel, and to see many respond to its message with faith.

Front Edge is a day of evangelistic training followed by multiple guest services in various churches held across the South West on the Sunday.
Saturday 22nd October is at Citygate  - a day of inspiring training and instruction for every believer to help them to be effective in the way they reach out to their friends, families, neighbours and at work.   Cost £10 - pay on the day
Speakers on the day will include Lex Loizides, Adrian Holloway, Chris Kilby, Paul Brown and Steve Hurd. There will be main sessions and seminars to raise faith for all our evangelistic endeavours, and equip us for seeing many more people saved and healed.

On Sunday 23rd October Adrian Holloway will be speaking at Citygate church - an opportunty for you to bring friends to hear the gospel presented in a refreshing way

Friday, 2 September 2011

September 2011

I love the Question of Sport round 'What happens next'.

A cricketer swings his bat at a wayward ball and the picture is frozen - teams then compete to remember or imagine a likely scenario.

This year 2011 has been historic for all of us in the Newfrontiers family, with a 'what happens next' over our key events. Together on a Mission in Brighton was no nostalgic looking back back the family album, but our father in God releasing apostolic sons to explore new horizons.

Westpoint for me signified a mighty roar of support in our field of apostolic ministry as we released a hugh financial sum to plant churches, raise leaders and travel to the next town, village or city.

What happens next? The best is yet to come. Hundreds if not thousands of leaders trained. Large Antioch churches throughout the UK but also in cities like Madrid and Porto - 100's of churches planted and adopted, teaching the poor and needy.

I have a dream - join me in this mighty

 'What happens next moment' !

Talks from Wespoint 2011 will soon be available to listen to by clicking on the link:

Diary dates for September
  • 5th - 9th Study leave
  • 11th - Preaching at Citygate Church - continuing the series on Romans
  • 16th - Speaking on Church Planting - Foundations Training
  • 18th - Preaching at Citygate Church
  • 20th - 21st Citygate Elders away days
  • 25th - Preaching at Winchester Family Church
  • 28th - South West Apostolic team meeting
  • 29th - South and West regional meeting in Yeovil
  • 30th - UK team meeting

Friday, 1 July 2011

Come and join us at Westpoint!! 18th - 21st August 2011

In conversation the word 'camping' is guaranteed to evoke stories of high emotion.

Trapeze like balancing acts in the showers,
farmyard toilet stalls, giant insects, dreadful
weather and sleepless nights in freezing

There is a Jewish festival they call Sukkot which is enacted every Autumn. Its main feature involves leaving homes to live in huts with branches for roofs - a reminder to every Jew of their history of desert wanderings for 40 years. Another name for this festival is 'The Time of our Joy'

For me camping is a symbol of our faith - our lives fragile, vulnerable, open to elements. Yet around us are the wings of God's eternal love.

At Westpoint the church community is stripped bare of any wordly pretence - in a field and cow shed but lifting up God's name and seeking his glory. The time of our joy is before us

Lets us embrace it with open arms

Westpoint is Newfrontiers South and West Regional celebration weekend held at the Westpoint showground in Exeter, Devon

To book for Westpoint go to

Diary dates for July:

  • 3rd July                 Guy preaching at Citygate church on Romans 7
  • 7th July                  Pastors from India arrive in the UK
  • 8th July                  Meeting together with Indian pastors and UK IndiaTeam
  • 12th - 15th July   Together on a Mission in Brighton - the last one

  • 18th July - 5th August                    Annual leave

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

First Iberian Peninsula

'From the ends of the earth we hear singing
Glory to the righteous one' Isaiah 24 v 16

Just return from our first Iberian conference  held in Portugal. Close to 200 people gathered from Madrid, Valencia, the South of Spain, Algarve, Porto and Penafiel and churches in the north of Portugal.

It was an exceptional time, beyond anything I had imagined.

It was amazing to:

-  hear the supernatural stones of God's great unfolding purposes in these nations,

- to be moved to tears at the faithfulness and courage of previous generations - and now to see new foot soldiers from the UK

- to be stirred in faith to see God's hand moving in a new way.

Teaching over the weekend was on Gods word, his spirit and the great expanding mission to reach cities in Iberia. There are 71 cities with over 100,000 population and we are currently in 3 of them.

Perhaps the highlight for me was the Sunday morning meeting where the Holy Spirit came in such power as we focused on the Valley of Dry Bones and cried out for bones to come together.

The icing on the cake was to set in a new Elder in Penafiel and see someone born again.

God is doing something remarkable in theses nations

Friday, 27 May 2011

June 2011

Just spent £150 on a pair of glasses which have  Polaroid lenses built in.


Good question.

Because I am told as a fisherman you can see what lies beneath. To see the hidden life and opportunities few others see.

For me, this means living in the prophetic. One of the opportunities this month is to host our first Iberian Peninsula leaders conference because I believe these nations are ready in God for a massive breakout.

The same is true as I visit key churches and sit with UK apostles at the end of the month and even thinking of Westpoint and the thousands I am praying will be there.

Thanks for your prayers and join me in asking God for the clear vision and miraculous catch

Your friendly fisherman

Diary dates

5th June  Speaking at Citygate church continuing the series in Romans

11th - 13th June -- Iberian Peninsula Leaders Conference

15th - 16th June meeting with the UK team and younger leaders

19th June Speaking at Grace Church Chichester

26th June Speaking at Citygate church Bournemouth

29th June meeting with Elders at City Church Bristol

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

20th April 2011

Almost every conversation I have at the moment brings up the word transition.
Transition is a word that speaks of the process of change, like a caterpillar into a butterfly.

The recent hard winter transitions to warm spring days, children transition from spotty teenagers into delightful fun friends around the family table.

Transition is also a vulnerable time when we can fear the future or doubt the necessary process of change.

My personal prayers for the next month would be to pray for key transitional moments with times of encountering God, where we have heavens encouragements of 'it seemed good to us and the Holy Spirit'.

In particular pray for:
  • The Easter weekend- for many people to come into churches and hear the good news of the gospel and experience their own transition- a life changed - from salvery to freedom - adopted into Christ - a new creation

  • The  South and West Regional all together at Westpoint on 28th April.  For the transition to over 2000 people at Westpoint in the summer - which will be our best 'Together' so far. For another 1000 to book in by June. For me, Terry Virgo, Jeremy Simpkins and John Groves - who will be speaking at Westpoint in August - that these messages will be truly cohesive and life changing
  • Elders away days 3rd and 4th May. Gods hand has been so upon the church these last 4 months with many more people to care for, disciple and add to our membership. pray for grace in each of my elders to transition in their own roles and my leadership of this team

  • Prayer and Fasting. This will be our last Prayer and fasting before the final 'Together on a Mission' in Brighton. Pray for the prophetic gift to be in abundance, a spirit of unity to characterise this key transitional time for the International and UK apostles


Friday, 1 April 2011

week beginning 4th April 2011

Over the next few weeks Guy is enjoying a family holiday, celebrating his half century, followed by a weeks study leave

Prayer diary
  • For a restful and refreshing holiday break
  • 10th April - Preaching at Winchester Family Church
  • For an inspiring study week
  • 17th April - Preaching at Coign Church- Woking