Friday, 1 July 2011

Come and join us at Westpoint!! 18th - 21st August 2011

In conversation the word 'camping' is guaranteed to evoke stories of high emotion.

Trapeze like balancing acts in the showers,
farmyard toilet stalls, giant insects, dreadful
weather and sleepless nights in freezing

There is a Jewish festival they call Sukkot which is enacted every Autumn. Its main feature involves leaving homes to live in huts with branches for roofs - a reminder to every Jew of their history of desert wanderings for 40 years. Another name for this festival is 'The Time of our Joy'

For me camping is a symbol of our faith - our lives fragile, vulnerable, open to elements. Yet around us are the wings of God's eternal love.

At Westpoint the church community is stripped bare of any wordly pretence - in a field and cow shed but lifting up God's name and seeking his glory. The time of our joy is before us

Lets us embrace it with open arms

Westpoint is Newfrontiers South and West Regional celebration weekend held at the Westpoint showground in Exeter, Devon

To book for Westpoint go to

Diary dates for July:

  • 3rd July                 Guy preaching at Citygate church on Romans 7
  • 7th July                  Pastors from India arrive in the UK
  • 8th July                  Meeting together with Indian pastors and UK IndiaTeam
  • 12th - 15th July   Together on a Mission in Brighton - the last one

  • 18th July - 5th August                    Annual leave