I love the Question of Sport round 'What happens next'.
A cricketer swings his bat at a wayward ball and the picture is frozen - teams then compete to remember or imagine a likely scenario.
This year 2011 has been historic for all of us in the Newfrontiers family, with a 'what happens next' over our key events. Together on a Mission in Brighton was no nostalgic looking back back the family album, but our father in God releasing apostolic sons to explore new horizons.Westpoint for me signified a mighty roar of support in our field of apostolic ministry as we released a hugh financial sum to plant churches, raise leaders and travel to the next town, village or city.
What happens next? The best is yet to come. Hundreds if not thousands of leaders trained. Large Antioch churches throughout the UK but also in cities like Madrid and Porto - 100's of churches planted and adopted, teaching the poor and needy.
I have a dream - join me in this mighty
'What happens next moment' !
Talks from Wespoint 2011 will soon be available to listen to by clicking on the link: http://togetheratwestpoint.org.uk
Diary dates for September
- 5th - 9th Study leave
- 11th - Preaching at Citygate Church - continuing the series on Romans
- 16th - Speaking on Church Planting - Foundations Training
- 18th - Preaching at Citygate Church
- 20th - 21st Citygate Elders away days
- 25th - Preaching at Winchester Family Church
- 28th - South West Apostolic team meeting
- 29th - South and West regional meeting in Yeovil
- 30th - UK team meeting