Friday, 7 October 2011

October 2011

Footprints in the sand

As a young boy I remember with a sense of awe Daniel Defoe's Treasure island and later as a young christian Mary Stevenson's Footprints in the sand.

The former was a shock to realise that Robinson Crusoe was not alone on the island, someone else was experiencing the same challenges and heartaches as he was - two sets of footprints!

The latter was the encouragement that at times when there is only one set of footprints on the path of our lives that these are the times when the Lord carried us - times when were in need.

As a leader of Citygate Church I can honestly thank God that others are with me as we pursue an unmarked path of growth, new buildings and the developing apostolic base. As Heather and I plan Together on a Mission abroad I am glad to see others alongside me reminding me that I have friends to carry the weight of the challenges ahead. It is particularly great that Mike and Jessica Shore from Portugal are joining me for this trip.

Days come when the inrushing tides of business sweep away all other sets of footprints bar one and they are large and purposeful and if I bend close enough I can trace the nail imprints of love.

I feel such gratitude to dear friends around me in this apostolic release season and find myself, in deeper gratitude still, drawn ever closer to the good shepherd who guides me in paths of righteousness

Diary dates:

  • October 9th - Preaching at Citygate Church - Romans 9
  • 11th - 12th October - Prayer and fasting
  • 14th-16th October - Weekend away with UK Apostles and wives
  • 20th - 28th October -  Together on a mission

 Saturday 22nd October - Citygate Church is hosting

Front Edge is so much more than a conference. Its a weekend where there will be an opportunity for thousands to hear the gospel, and to see many respond to its message with faith.

Front Edge is a day of evangelistic training followed by multiple guest services in various churches held across the South West on the Sunday.
Saturday 22nd October is at Citygate  - a day of inspiring training and instruction for every believer to help them to be effective in the way they reach out to their friends, families, neighbours and at work.   Cost £10 - pay on the day
Speakers on the day will include Lex Loizides, Adrian Holloway, Chris Kilby, Paul Brown and Steve Hurd. There will be main sessions and seminars to raise faith for all our evangelistic endeavours, and equip us for seeing many more people saved and healed.

On Sunday 23rd October Adrian Holloway will be speaking at Citygate church - an opportunty for you to bring friends to hear the gospel presented in a refreshing way