Wednesday, 30 November 2011

December 2011

I like stationary. Christmas presents. birthday's I love getting new pens, journals, diaries etc and I love most of all coloured pens to highlight words, quotes and scriptures.

December is a month to give thanks for Jesus and also things he has accomplished in your life this past year.

Highlights for me for 2011 would be:

Family: Hannah's graduation, John now back home, Katie's Sydney FP and Joe's baptism. Heather and I will approach 30 years marriage in July 2012 and ask where did the years go and how good is God's grace

Citygate: Our biggest ever growth year
with John and Sue Hosier joining us and
a new building emerging from the rattle of
the B&Q site. What a truly amazing church


Apostolic: Hands laid on me at TOAM leading into our best yet Westpoint with Terry and Jeremy and an outstanding offering. Our day away as Elders and wives was the cream on a tasty cake of 2011 as we prayed, laughed and resopnded to God together

India: Two visits to our dear friends and so encouraged
by their zeal in God, planting churches   and raising many,
 many more leaders. Delhi - reaching over 1000 people
and the first fruits of Foundations for Farming being excellent

Iberia: Our first ever Iberian Peninsula conference broke new ground as we honoured God for the past and painted a picture of a preferable future. Porto church plant saw its first convert and Kevin and Ness press forward in our church plant in Madrid

As I write my coloured pen is running out of ink and I'm brought to tears of thankfulness for these and hundreds more highlights.

2012 knocks its excited hand on all our doors and together we pray

'Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done as perfectly on earth as it is in heaven'

December diary dates

December 4th am - Preaching at Life Church Hook

                       pm - Students Christmas celebration - 'All coloured in'

December 7th - 8th  - meeting with UK team

December 15th - SW Apostolic team update meeting

December 18th - Preaching at Citygate - Traditional Carol service

December 25th - Christmas day service

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

November 2011

People always ask me to say how it went in India and what it is like. It is a country of opposites, of beauty and of misery, of joy and heartache. maybe a poem may help give shape to my feelings


        Oh India, bright coloured places
        Saris, gold bracelets, smiling faces
        Butterfly wings, dazzling hues
        Ant like industry, miracle moves
        Slow trains, fast planes, heavy bags
        Hurry, curry, stomach sags
        Bangs, whistles, Divali eruption
        Bribes, jibes,
        Market corruption                                
        Hollywood, Bollywood, T20 six
        Tipples, cripples, beggars mix
        Tawdy, gawdy plastic idols
        Charms, harms demonic bridles
        Glorious sunsets, blackest night

                Oh India you're in my prayer today and I believe
                A page is turned, post is burned
                What glory, a story of lost returned
                Once dead, God's will is read and now alive
                Millions helpless for those we strive
                God's power for this hour - Oh church awake
                And welcome India's king - his bride to take

November diary dates:

5th - 6th November weekend with City Church - Bristol

13th -  Speaking at Citygate Church - Romans 11

17th -  Newfrontiers Training summit

18th -20th South & West Regional Leaders weekend - Taunton

27th Speaking at Citygate Church - Romans 12