Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Some Photos From The Iberian Conference

April update

The Aveleda gardens are a joyful exploration of azalea lined pathways, sculptures, ponds and tranquillity. Any visit finishes on a balcony overlooking their vineyards and a free wine and cheese tasting extravaganza. You have to taste and see.

Our second Iberian Conference was a taste and see what the Lord has done. Around 200 gathered from all over Spain and Portugal for worship and teaching from leaders literally from around the world (Portugal, UK, Mexico and Spain). A panoramic prophetic landscape for change in these nations was both spoken of and prayed for, am increasing sense of God transforming the spiritual dry deserts into a well watered garden and the dry bones of religion being summoned into a mighty army for God.

It was brilliant, humbling, exciting and robust. God is doing great things in our church plants in Porto, Madrid and SAS like pioneers are gathering for purpose.

Highlights of the conference for me were:

  • Our first convert in Porto
  • Wedding bells for two couples this year
  • Jessica's cooking
  • Fellowship with leaders over roast pig
  • Trilingual worship
  • The beautiful host church at Penafiel
  • Many children

Friday, 30 March 2012

April 2012

Guy is currently at the 2nd Iberian Peninsula Conference in Portugal

Please pray for:

>   Many to be called to church planting in Spain and Portugal
>   Other churches to be added into the Newfrontiers family
>   Guy and Heather's health and safety

April Diary dates:

  • 30th May - 1st April -  Iberian Peninula Conference  - Portugal
  • 8th              Preaching at Citygate Church Bournemouth
  • 9th - 12th    Annual leave
  • 13th            with Frontiers Church Exeter leaders
  • 14th            with Mark Landreth-Smith - Home Counties
  • 15th            Preaching at Winchester Family Church
  • 22nd           Preaching at Citygate Church Bournemouth
  • 25th            with leaders of Bristol churches
  • 26th - 28th 'Together for the nations' conference Nottingham

Friday, 9 March 2012

Update on visit to Madrid

Madrid - what a city

High up in the nose bleed seats of the Bernabeu Stadium in Madrid I witnessed a city at worship as a team as a player ran on the pitch. Ronaldo, Ronaldo echoed around the ground to great cheers, claps and whistles.

Earlier that weekend, queues stretching 100's of metres waited patiently to worship an idol in a decaying old building. Worship in Spain is alive and well!

Now come with me me down a back street of this magnificent city. A door in a side wall leads to a music studio at the back of which a group of nine gather, their faces upturned in pursuit of God. Into that insignificant ante room the light of glory falls as we praise the only one who is worthy to be worshipped.

Never did the words of CS Lewis reverberate more in my ears than in Madrid 

 "it would seem that our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak........ we are far too easily pleased".

We are not seeking  the greatest of joys and pleasures enough and as a consequence we settle for the mud pies of this world.  Don't get me wrong, I loved the football and the city but the greatest joy was our new church plant reaching out in that dark nation for the light of the gospel.

For anyone with a heart for Spain or Portugal please pray for (or even visit) our 2nd Iberian Conference 30th March - 1st April and join us on this great adventure

Friday, 2 March 2012

March 2012

Currently Guy and Heather are in Madrid, please pray for them as they go to encourage Kevin and Vanessa Barlett in church planting into this big city

Guys diary dates for this month

  • 3rd -6th March in Madrid with Kevin & Vanessa Bartlett
  • 9th with Gateway -Poole leaders
  • 10th with East Grinstead leaders
  • 11th Preaching at Citygate Church
  • 14th-15th Citygate Elders awaydays
  • 16th with Terry Virgo
  • 18th Preaching at Junction13 - Eastleigh
  • 22nd with Westminster Chapel leaders
  • 25th Preaching Citygate Church
  • 28th-29th UK team meeting

Friday, 3 February 2012

February 2012

Three Peaks Challenge

Recently a good pastor friend of mine told me that his summer plans included the 3 Peaks Challenge and I felt old and a little jealous of his youth and energy. To walk up the highest mountains in Scotland, England and Wales within 24 hours takes a lot of physical and mental preparation with a fair degree of risk.

To climb these breath taking heights is a team effort where we prize God’s calling and his prophetic promise over any laid back comfortable easy believism. This is all about faith. A giant leap forward  is achieved by lots of individual small steps of faith that says yes to giving, serving and to have zeal for God’s glorious church.

Without faith it is impossible to please God and I ask each one to join together with me to embrace our 3 Peaks Challenges to advance his Kingdom

February Diary dates

  • 7th  evening with Plymouth Elders
  • 9th-10th shadowed by Stuart Alfred from Exeter
  • 11th -12th weekend with Grace Church Truro
  • 14th-16th India team in the UK
  • 19th Preaching at Citygate Church, Bournemouth
  • 22nd day with Bristol Church leaders
  • 23rd day with Home Counties church Elders
  • 26th Preaching in Exeter
  • 29th Feb - 6th March Madrid with Kevin & Vanessa Bartlett

Sunday, 8 January 2012

January 2012

Recently the newspapers have been writing alot about The Church saying that many church streams are reporting an increase in growth in their churches.

There is now an estimated 1.7 million people attending church in Britain

Something is changing and people are making their way back to church. As Newfrontiers we have been given the challenge to go into more nations and we are called to rescue more people in our communities

God wants Citygate to step up another gear this year to build together and into Christ to advance his kingdom.
Allow God to do 'heart' surgery on you this year to transfrom you to live in the truth of his word

Lets live in God's Good, pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12 v 1-2)

2012 will be a leap year of faith for us particularly for finance as we plan to open the new Citygate Centre in Bournemouth during September and for reaching into more unreached nations.

Great leaps for a church are achieved by hundreds of small steps made by individuals. This can happen through:

  • reading the bible
  • lets allow the Holy Spirit to move in greater power and freedom
  • living a saccrifical life
  • taking giant steps on holiness
  • taking steps into evangelism
  • taking steps in finance and giving faithfully

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.  Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—
his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Romans 12:1-2

Diary dates for January

  • 9th & 10th  with FP's at Centre Parcs
  • 14th Speaking at Salisbury church leaders weekend
  • South and West Regional meeting - Yeovil
  • 25th UK team meeting
  • 31st Jan- 1st Feb Prayer and fasting