However this is not true for their
cities. These growing ethnically diverse metropoli are changing, morphing from
local into international. Huge stadia, modern airports and road systems, so
like any other across the world, you could be in London or New York.
Beneath all this beauty and change
there lies a lot of pain. The dark religious legalism of a past generation is
still visible in the black clad women visiting the shrines and statues of the
nation. But on a national scale their religion is being rejected by a young
ambitious generation eager to know the ways of material prosperity and licentiousness
found in other parts of Europe. Sadly, as we have read in our newspapers, the god
mammon has abandoned both nations to a frightening emptiness with around 60% of
a younger generation unable to find work. It feels desperate; your heart breaks
at the hopelessness of this generation.
But with these changes comes hope
from unexpected quarters. The church is growing; the gospel is bearing fruit
and joy experienced in new outpourings of God, and not least at our latest
Iberian Conference in Penafiel.
A weekend given over to God with 250
people from Spain, Portugal, UK, Guinea Bissau, and Mexico packed into the
splendid new building, A Fonte. English was the third language and I cannot
explain how joyous it was to be given headphones for English translation of the
messages. Our theme for the conference was ‘Authentic’, believing what these
nations most need to experience is the genuine gospel, authentic Holy Spirit
outpourings and the release of authentic apostolic ministry planting and
building authentic churches. The worship was so colourful, Oscar from Mexico
leading parts, Peter leading the international band and even the Guineans gave
us a taste of their vibrant body moving style! It was brilliant and the
fragrance of God filled the house.
Mike and Jessica Shore are two of my
heroes, releasing each of their children into whole hearted missionary
involvement, as they themselves continue to care for the growing number of
churches across Iberia. God is doing something amazing in these nations and
next year we are planning another conference in May 2014 as well as two evangelistic
teams into major cities. Why not experience this unique moment for Iberia?
I can promise you a life changing
time that will challenge your spiritual appetites, it is like walking on
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