Monday, 2 March 2015

Brazil and the Valley of Blessing

Today is our last day at the Valley of Blessing, the home of Antioch Mission. Established forty years ago, it has released hundreds of missionaries, and continues to train men and women. As well as the mission training school it has a number of social action ministries including: a Children’s Home for children with special needs or those who have come from disadvantaged backgrounds; an after-school club providing hot meals and extra studies for children with minimal education, and also a teenage programme providing computer training. We also had the privilege of visiting the drug rehab site, on a farm miles from the town. Many men have had their lives turned around by their prayer only detox!

We have been so inspired by being here, enjoying the warm hospitality of Brazilian Christians and the joy of fellowship. There is a real sense that there is more to come, for both Portugal and Commission to be involved in Brazil.


  1. Guy we were in Portugal for 15 years pastoring in the North, with connections in Brazil particularly in Minas Gerais. We were part of a ministry team in Porto. Pastoring and training ministries. I am British and my wife Portuguese. We have recently come to Bournemouth. Like contact with you personally. Email me.
